Virus Not In BC
Blueberry Leaf Mottle (Blueberry leaf mottle virus - BLMV) Damage: Leaves are mottled and [...]
Premature Fruit Drop
Premature Fruit Drop Damage: Flowers and leaves have red streaking during bloom. Berries begin [...]
Blueberry Shock Virus (BIShV)
Blueberry Shock Blueberry shock virus BIShV Damage: Flowers and/or leaves blight and die, while [...]
Blueberry Scorch Virus (BIScV)
Blueberry Scorch Blueberry scorch virus BIScV Damage: Flowers and/or leaves blight and die, while [...]
Blueberry Mosaic
Blueberry Mosaic Damage: Leaves are brightly coloured with red, yellow and green mottling. One [...]
Phomopsis Canker
Phomopsis Canker (Phomopsis vaccinii). Damage: Individual branches turn reddish-brown, called “flagging”, and die, and [...]