Lecanium Scale

(Parthenolecanium spp.)
Damage: Scale insects suck on plant sap and can weaken plants and cause twig dieback. Sticky honeydew is secreted from scale insects and may drip onto fruit and leaves. Black sooty mould can develop on the honeydew.
Insect: Females appear as 2-5 mm, oval-shaped, brown bumps attached to one year old stems. Males are small, fly-like insects and are rarely seen. White eggs are present in May-June underneath the scales. Eggs hatch into crawlers (nymphs) that move to the leaves to feed. In late summer, nymphs move back to the stems to overwinter.


Scale InsectsCarolyn Teasdale, ES Cropconsult


Scale InsectsK. Sakalauskas, BCBC

Grape Mealybug

(Pseudococcus maritimus)
Damage: Mealybugs suck plant sap and reduce plant vigour and terminal growth. They also secrete honeydew, which promotes the growth of sooty moulds that can make fruit unsuitable for the fresh market.
Insect: Adults can be up to 5 mm long, flat, oval shaped, and have a white waxy covering with wax filaments sticking out from circumference of the body. Longer filaments from the posterior end make these mealybugs appear to have “tails”.
NOTE: No common pest in blueberries


MealybugTracy Hueppelsheuser, BCAGRI


Mealybug Black Sooty MouldTracy Hueppelsheuser, BCAGRI


MealybugKarina Sakalauskas, BCBC


MealybugKarina Sakalauskas, BCBC


MealybugKarina Sakalauskas, BCBC


MealybugTracy Hueppelsheuser, BCAGRI


MealybugTracy Hueppelsheuser, BCAGRI